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One Real Project Start-to-Finish: Rebuild
Welcome! (0:54)
Project Introduction (1:55)
Weekly Live Worksession Info
Software - Revit vs Revit LT
Field Measure Kit
Computers and Tech
Intro to Revit Interface (3:36)
Loading Shortcuts (3:44)
Project Folder (1:40)
Starting a New Revit Project with Your Template (3:27)
Property Lines and Project North (8:24)
House Location and Setbacks (4:45)
Zoning Sheet First Look (4:40)
Thoughts on Using the Latest Version of Revit (3:15)
Creating Topography with Revit Toposolid (11:49)
Creating a Void (for the house) in the Toposolid (4:36)
Creating a Point Cloud (3:13)
Importing a Point Cloud (6:33)
Existing Conditions Quality: How Good is Good Enough? (2:33)
Point Cloud Modeling - Walls (15:25)
Point Cloud Modeling - Stairs and Floors (11:14)
Point Cloud Modeling - Doors and Windows (11:43)
Point Cloud Modeling - Roofs (13:48)
REFRESHER: Placing Views on Sheets & Plotting (8:37)
Enabling Worksets (3:52)
Copying the Model for Easier SD Workflow (4:10)
Intro to Iteration in Design (3:59)
Sketching a Concept for the First Floor (11:18)
Sketching a Concept for the Second Floor (6:30)
Creating New Levels (10:39)
REFRESHER: Creating New Views (3:26)
Schematic Modeling - First Walls and Stairs (10:27)
REFRESHER: Loading Families (3:35)
Caveat aka Intro to Teaching Schematic Design (1:28)
Starting the Kitchen (7:34)
Starting the Office (7:12)
Starting the Living Room and Dining Room (5:46)
Starting the Second Floor (14:32)
Improving the Concept (4:42)
Creating Schematic Design Presentation Views and Sheets (9:45)
Adding Alternates and More Concepts (10:46)
Plotting (4:51)
When to Move to DD (2:08)
REFRESHER: Phases and Phase Filters (4:55)
Demo Plans Part I: Creating the Plans and Demoing Stuff (14:08)
Demo Plans Part II: Better Examples (5:46)
REFRESHER: Custom Keynote Family and Schedule (3:33)
Demo Plans Part III: General and Keyed Notes (5:30)
Consolidating the Designs - Copying the Model One More Time (2:10)
Windows - Finding and Loading Good Models (6:45)
Windows - Creating an Appealing Layout (18:06)
Roofs - Simple Schematic Gable (6:02)
Front Porch Concept (13:04)
One More Quick Iteration and End of Schematic Design (6:21)
Detach From Central and Create a New Design Development Central (1:52)
Cleaning Up the File and Squaring Up Dimensions (3:30)
Correcting Levels, Modeling Real Walls and Solving Problems (22:08)
Dimensions (12:03)
Rooms and Room Tags (4:56)
Design Philosophy (9:09)
Sections Part I: Where to Draw Them (7:58)
Framing Plan Setup (2:49)
Selecting Joist Size (9:16)
Placing the Rim Band (4:56)
First Floor Beam Location: Flush vs Dropped (3:23)
Placing First Floor Joists and Beams (11:18)
Second Floor Framing Plan - Beams and Posts (16:37)
Roof Framing and Truss Specifications (12:25)
Headers (10:55)
Front Porch Framing (10:37)
Porch Roof Framing (12:08)
Modeling Foundation Walls (4:06)
Modeling Spot Footings (3:32)
Creating a Foundation Plan (4:25)
Annotating the Foundation Plan (6:36)
Annotating Floor Framing Plans (15:21)
Annotating Roof Framing Plan (1:59)
Sections Part II: Annotations and Fixing Random Things (19:02)
Floors; Subfloor and Finish Floors (9:20)
Ceilings (2:35)
Sections Part III: Quickly Duplicating Annotations (5:25)
Elevations: Annotating Information (9:04)
Elevation Modeling: Standing Seam Metal Roof (4:59)
Elevation Modeling: Fascias, Gutters, Soffits (11:27)
Elevation Modeling: Exterior Trim (15:37)
Elevation Modeling: Siding (5:23)
Elevation Modeling: Specialty Items (4:39)
Wall Detailing Preamble *** NEW 2/26 *** (3:11)
Wall Insulation Basics *** NEW 2/26 *** (9:52)
Roof Insulation Basics *** NEW 2/26 *** (8:01)
Repeating Detail Components *** NEW 2/26 *** (4:20)
Window Detail Components *** NEW 3/5 *** (11:04)
Typical Wall Section *** NEW 3/5 *** (19:54)
Repeating Detail Components *** NEW 2/26 ***
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